What We Do

Natural Resources & Energy


We serve as outside general counsel to numerous natural resource-based companies including mining and metal companies, hydrogeology companies, and water resource companies.

  • Land Use
  • Water, Minerals, & Oil & Gas
  • Waste-to-Asset Treatment & Beneficial Reuse
  • Technology Deployment – Water and Brine Concentrate Treatment
  • Regulatory Permitting & Compliance

Your alley in legal terrain

Sand dunes in Colorado
What We’ve Done

Selected highlights

Structured and drafted US$90M convertible note, redemption, and conversion agreement for recapitalization of global resource company.

See highlights document

Advised water resource company on non-tributary water right acquisitions and related beneficial reuse applications.

See highlights document

Led Australian global resource company on its preliminary due diligence investigation related to purchase of lithium assets and related leases in Argentina.

See highlights document

Advised on strategic joint-venture for two $10M green-field built centralized brine water treatment facilities (negotiated joint-venture subsidiary legal structures and agreements, acquired all regulatory permits for facilities including water discharge, air emission and site permits, served on boards of directors of each SPV subsidiary).

See highlights document

Acquisition of numerous ‘first-ever’ regulatory approvals and associated beneficial reuse permits with respect to resource recovery, brine and concentrate fluid treatment, and related beneficial reuse.

See highlights document

Led intellectual property negotiation and drafting of worldwide technology master license for all fields of use (FOU’s) for recently patented water treatment technology from 1st tier university.

See highlights document

Innovatively solved $3M wastewater treatment plant/leachate field replacement requirement by negotiating and permitting a 99-year ground lease for beneficial reuse/surface discharge of treated wastewater for agricultural (orchard irrigation).

See highlights document

We are tenacious, trusted advisors

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